Thanks for Stopping By

John at the IBM AS/400 call center in Atlanta.

For someone with a double major in theater and English, I spent a lot of time working out the technical kinks at IBM— eighteen years, in fact.

Working at the IBM AS/400 call center in Atlanta.

One of my more interesting projects was publishing a tiny book. After hand-binding the first two-hundred, I thought better of it and had 2,500 made.

Store display stands.

A tiny store display for tiny books.

I was thin once.

I work directly with the retailer. Luckily, I made a tiny display stand for them to increase the visual impact.

Schuler Books of Okemos, Michigan.

I'm a one man publishing band. Sometimes, I'll go through a couple dozen cover designs before I find one I like.

Steele Away pre-pub cover.

A pre-publication cover for Steele Away

When I could still get into my office.

This is where I used to write. I say "used to" because I'm building a train layout that's almost five feet in diameter. I moved it into my office to work on it. It takes up more space than I thought possible.

When I could still get into my office.

My latest book is a murder mystery. It was inspired by my time in New York. Also, when two writers get together they tend to talk shop, including (or especially) murder. Weird for those who overhear us.

Plot Twist in pre-publication.

Plot Twist in pre-publication.